王廣發董事長還是北京市工商聯(商會)副會長、南南合作促進會副會長、東宇全球化智庫基金會副理事長、全球化智庫(CCG)資深副主席、北京環球英才交流促進會會長、中國發展戰略學研究會戰略思維與領導能力專業委員會副主任、中央黨校創新工程高端智庫項目特邀研究員、外交學院董事、中國政法大學董事、清華大學國家治理研究院副理事長、美國北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校終身教授、北京師范大學兼職教授、北京科技大學學生創業導師、海峽兩岸法學交流促進會副理事長、英國 AQA 中國首席顧問、江蘇教育現代化研究院專家咨詢委員會專家、中國教育國際交流協會常務理事、財政部中國總會計師協會原副主席。
Mr. WANG Guangfa, Doctor of Laws from China University of Political Science and Law. Mr. Wang founded Beijing Fazheng Group in 1993, and has been the President since. He is also the Chief Principal of Beijing Royal School, President of Dalian Jiahui Education Group, and Principal of Sanya City College.
Mr. Wang Guangfa is also the Vice President of Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice President of Council for Promoting South-South Cooperation, Senior Vice Chairman of Center for China and Globalization (CCG), Chairman of Beijing Global Talent Exchange Association, Vice Director for Strategic Thinking and Leadership at the Association for China Development Strategy, Board Member of China Foreign Affairs University, Board Member of China University of Political Science and Law, Vice President of the Institute of State Governance in Tsinghua University, Professor of Practice at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Guest Professor of Beijing Normal University, Vice President of the Association for the Promotion of Legal Exchanges across the Taiwan Straits, AQA’s Chief Consultant in China, member of Expert Advisory Committee for the Institute of Education Modernization in Jiangsu Province, Standing Director for China Education Association for International Exchange, Former Vice President for China Association of Chief Financial Officers.